Customer Testimonials

Raphael Ekong counseled me for several months. He has a kind demeanor that demonstrates his sincerity in helping me to achieve my goal. He established a plan tailored for my situation. The plan consisted of discussions, graphs, role play and other tools. His method is of a step by step process with a Faith Base Counseling. After several months of using these tools, it brought me to a new level of great achievement. I could not have achieved this level of confidence on my own. I live in the Summerville, South Carolina area.

I feel that the program my grandson is in, is quit helpful and does bring a various amount of potential and prospect out of him that I have never encountered. His attitude has dramatically changed in a good way. His maturity as a child is growing. And as a parent, it is uplifting and overwhelming in a good way. On the other hand, I did not know certain aspects of my grandson’s educational behavior could be so concerning and interesting. He has shown more now than ever.
Ms. Jones of North Charleston, SC

Raphael's style of therapy has help my point of view on how I react to the world around me. It is not difficult to believe what he has told me to do. My anxiety level now has dropped significantly based on his style of therapy. We also share a lot in common which seems to help as well.